About Us



we are more than just a social media website.
We are a collective of passionate individuals, a community of change-makers, and a platform for empowerment.
Our mission is to support a movement led by Haitians to create a canal (kanal la pap kanpe, #KPK)system that will transform the country's agricultural landscape, boost food production, and help alleviate poverty.

Our Vision: A New Haiti, Together

We believe in the potential for profound change in Haiti. We envision a nation where every Haitian has the opportunity to flourish, where no one goes to bed hungry, and where the land yields abundant fruits and vegetables.
Our vision is rooted in hope, resilience, and the unwavering belief that together, we can build a brighter future.

Who We Are: Professionals with a Purpose

Our team is made up of professionals from various backgrounds who share a common goal: to be catalysts for positive change. We bring our expertise, dedication, and unwavering belief in the strength of the Haitian people to the forefront. We stand united in our mission to empower every Haitian to be a part of this transformative journey.

VWAPEPLA: More Than a Website

Our platform is more than just a space for digital interaction; it's a hub for freedom, expression, and unity.
We are committed to providing a safe and inclusive environment where Haitians can connect, discuss, and take action for the betterment of their nation and no one can stop them.

What We Stand For:


We empower Haitians to freely voice their opinions, share their stories, and contribute to the movement for a better Haiti.


We foster a sense of unity among Haitians, both within the country and across the diaspora, to work hand in hand for the greater good.


We believe that change begins with open conversation and the exchange of ideas. Our platform encourages dialogue and collective problem-solving.


We are a beacon of hope for a brighter future, where the canal project is not just a dream but a reality.

Join Us on this Journey:

We invite every Haitian, every individual who believes in the power of change, to join us on this transformative journey.

Whether you want to share your thoughts, engage in discussions, or actively contribute to the canal project, your presence matters.
Together, we can turn dreams into reality and create a new Haiti that thrives.



we stand with Haiti, and we believe that the canal will water not only the land but the seeds of progress. Join us in making history, sparking change, and building a brighter tomorrow for the country we love.

Let's be the change. Together.

